Tuesday, April 27, 2010

take me back to the sweet days summer time

Highlight of today was definitely giving Florence her birthday present (gratefully chipped in by JessicaZ, William, George, Laurence and I. To say the least, she was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it (: Tricked her for a few minutes i guess. Well it was pretty fun, and worth the trouble. Hehe, love you florence.
So exams soon; urgh. Got our short film essay back today.. seriously, sixteen ? My aim for Shakespeare is to do better hmm. I'm writing like my fourth essay again. Why am I so bad at English grr. Well, I should probably get off and start studying like crazy tonight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blah blah blah

haha. good times (: So according to one I shall not name in my English class (ahem, Theodore Sun) I sound like a total white girl & 'so fake'. So, if you look above. Do I look white to you ? Well the answer should be no...
So, grade trials today. Noone, absolutely no one got kicked off the team, which I think is going to be bad and result in a lot of backstabbing (mainly about me, cos i suck) and raging. Before I say anything more, I would liek to say I'm sorry about saying basketball sucks,  basketball is actually a very interesting sport in which people are able to unleash their anger and be violent (: looks like I'm not going to cut my nails for a while.
Hmm. Got our exam timetables today --' absolutely horrible. Maths first up on Wednesday, then English followed by Science & History on Friday. Then finally Geo on Tuesday following. Then there's probably Engineering and Japanese later. Absolutely gay.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

looks like I'm looking for a job again

So, I am officially calling KFC quits. It's not that it's a bad job or the bad pay, it's just inconvenient - I have to go into the store myself and look at the roster. And I have been doing that for the past two weeks - and I haven't even been rostered. Urgh, yeah I just cannot be bothered going in again just to find out I don't even have a shift. So, after five long shifts, I'm going to find another job (and I'm still owed two weeks of pay btw).
School tomorrow. Yipeee, what fun, whilst many other schools are still on holiday, I have to wake up at dreaded 7.30am. Looks like an early night tonight, hey but good thing is - I get to have a very long weekend.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

can we pretend

Saturday once again. Following my ritual HIMYM marathon on Arena, I am currently trying to read over 'continental drift & plate tectonics'. Easier said than done.
It's hard to believe holidays are nearly over again, seems so short, and I'm seriously not looking forward to waking up at 7.30am from Monday onwards. Urgh. Plus, it's nearly winter, which means really cold mornings - and stockings don't even warm my legs up. The stress of everyone is really accumulating onto myself - stress, no matter what anyone says, is contagious & I'm already super stressed all the time, so it's not really helping when other people complain. So I've been having these cravings for coffee lately, but I've managed to stay away from the caffeine - as they say, avoid coffee or anything when stressed out. Don't know where I read that, but doesn't hurt to stick by it.
So these holidays, have been very very productive... I haven't even managed to finish like any of my maths textbooks which I planned to do, and I am now more fat and less fit than I got into these holidays.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the dog days are over

One day, I want to travel the world. But until then, I'm willing to make the most of where I am right now.
So, got my termly haircut again today. Total waste of thirty dollars, but I guess it's alright. It's not the best, but not the worst. It's quite short now, as in a good ten or so centimetres chopped off. Hmm, I don't think I'll be getting a haircut anytime soon - maybe I'll wait two terms now, I'd probably save on the money too. To be honest, I don't think I care as much as I did before about 'bad haircuts'. I guess part of it's that I no longer feel the need to impress people, but I guess I've learnt that people love you for who you are; not for the clothes you wear, or the haircut you got. I mean; looking at other people even, I seriously don't even see that much of a difference whether they get their hair cut or not, so I guess I shouldn't be so critical anymore on myself.
Right now, I have a big craving for either Max Brenners or Pancakes...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In all honesty, how do people walk in skyhigh heels?
My plan to study to the maximum, and keep up my exercise jogging levels has sort of failed me. Oh well, I guess there's always next holidays or the one after.
Bought a top today at Westpoint, quite nice too. Finally ate a Subway (which I have been craving for a while now) and KFC chips. After working there, its some wonder that I'm still able to guzzle half a box of chips. I think I want to work at Woolies.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hold your breath and count to ten

Dodgems, Speed, Taipan and the XXXL. All the rides we went on (: I have to say, it was quite fun - probably the best part of the show. I must say Speed was by far the best though. I swear for Speed & XXXL, I felt like i was gonna die. But I survived! I felt tipsy and sick after going on Speed and XXXL though. Taipan was a good relief after the tipsy rides, and it was sort of adrenalin rushing, when we were going down that is. Dodgems were fun with all twelve or so of us.
Other than that, nothing special though, but it was fun hanging with all the friends.
Showbags - bought a Madison one for $18 and got additional Bio-oil - pretty worth it. Hmm, seems dodgy but I'll give it a shot.
Lunch for me was a cheese stick, which might I say, was not worth it. It was literally just like 14cm long. I think $4.00 would have been better used on a Pluto Pup thanks. Thanks Justin for the corn-on-a-cob. I shall shout you corn once your braces are off - ahah.
Shame I couldn't stay till fireworks - or I wouldn't be at home typing this at the moment. But all in all, it was a great day and I miss good days like these which we only get a few times every ten weeks or so. So thanks everyone for making it such a great day and waiting 20 minutes for me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

see i thought love was black & white.

So, for those of you who I haven't pestered yet on msn about which bag to buy - I finally bought it today at Parklea Markets.
It was $15, which I guess is pretty good, seeing as I like the bag. It was originally $16, but the guy wouldn't let me have a discount, because seriously - since when did one dollar count as a discount?
It's a bit bigger than I was planning on buying
But all in all, a pretty good buy. I'm happy.
I think markets are really underrated by most. Like, yeah, some stuff are really cheap, there are a lot of fakes and stuff I would never buy. Still, there are some times when you do find relatively cheap and nice stuff.
As you can see from photos, I was experimenting with Photoshop again today - creating a 'lomo' effect. I guess I'm not too pro and it will always be different from true lomography, but worth a shot right and they look a bit artistic I guess.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Macbeth uses its exploration into gender roles to leave its audiences astounded.
okay. seriously? This is why I hate English.

happy easter.

Thank you Jesus.
So often, we feel lost in the world. It's like we don't belong or fit in anywhere. When we just feel so down and wonder how we ever got here. But often, it just takes that one incident or one person to turn you around, and all of a sudden you remember what's really important & things just seem so close again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

teenage dreams in a teenage circus.

It almost seems like time is just flying past. It's holidays already ! Pretty excited, but I have decided to devote several hours a day to study and revise. Half-yearlies are third week back, so I have to get a head start.
Came tenth today in cross-country. Just made it to zone, along with Ying-Ying and Pamela. Should be fun, and we get a whole day of bludge with other cool kids (tanks). So, running it today, i realised how slow and unfit I am. As a result, I have vowed to wake up earlier these holidays and attempt to train for half an hour each day. I don't expect to do well, I just don't want to embarrass myself at Zone, and come a measly 60 something (as I did last year).